So let's get started.
1) Set the Date-One or 2 weeks after the first day of school would be great. As an educator I can guarantee your child can survive on the basics of paper, pencils, pens, and what they had left over from the previous year for a week or two.
2) Invite the guest- call, Evite, or Facebook invite, if you mail invitations, be creative make them look like old fashioned hall passes. Be sure to send the Swap rules with the invitations. (see below)
3) Ask the guest to bring extra school supplies, backpacks, clean uniforms, clothes, shoes, and even instruments for the swap. Ask guest to turn in an inventory of what they will be bringing at least 1 week ahead of time. All items should be dropped off at least 2 days ahead of time. Have each participant sign a copy of the rules when they drop off their items.
4) Plan the menu-Assign each guest a school lunch item to bring (pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, beans, spaghetti, chicken, etc.) Be sure everyone is bring something different.
5) Assign items a point value (shirts- 5 points, 10 pencils-1 point, french horn 1000 points, etc.)
6) Set up the Swap store. Sort all items as you would see them in a retail store. Sort clothes by size and style.
7) On the day of the Swap each family should be given Swap Money (make it on your computer) equal to the points for what they have contributed to the Swap store.
8) Set up a check out area and let the shopping begin.
9) While the shopping is going on have random games and contests for extra points. (musical chairs, hula hoop, minute to win it games, etc.)
10) When the time for shopping is over everyone can enjoy all of the food served on lunch trays of course.
1) All items contributed to the Swap are no longer yours.
2) No actual money can be exchanged at the Swap.
3) All items left at the end of the Swap will be given to charity or a local school. This includes musical instruments and electronics.
Bonus-The party can also run as a traditional Swap meet with everyone running their own table. You would skip the inventory and drop off in step #3 and steps #5-9. There still should not be an exchange of money at any of the tables. All participants will have to have their tables set up prior to the Swap. Late arrivals should not be allowed to participate. You can still have games but not for shopping points.
This party works for Christmas shopping also.